The use and care of diamond polishing pads

Diamond polishing pads, whose main raw material is diamond, has good durability, softness, clarity and gloss, high production efficiency, long service life, and has a wide range of applications. So what are the uses of diamond sanding pads? Next, Z-LION will bring you relevant introductions.

The use of diamond grinding pads

1. Stone floor treatment and renovation

Diamond grinding pads can be used for the treatment and refurbishment of various floors and steps after marble, artificial stone slabs, granite and other materials are laid.

Stone floor treatment and renovation

2. Stone processing

Diamond grinding pads can also be used for the processing of artificial stone, granite and marble. It has unique advantages. The grinding pads are available in various shapes and specifications, and various particle sizes are easy to identify. Users can use them with various hand grinders according to their personal needs and usage habits.

3. Tile polishing

It can also be used to grind and polish ceramic tiles, and the grinding pads can be installed on various full polishing machines and half polishing machines. Bright or sub-surface, the brightness of the glossy surface can reach more than 90.

4. Concrete floor renovation

The renovation of concrete floors such as warehouses, parking lots and industrial floors can be completed with diamond grinding pads and refurbishment machines. The renovation of various aggregate hardener floors, especially the more popular liquid hardener floor projects in recent years. , it can also be processed by grinding pads with various hand grinders or refurbished machines. Choose grinding pads with different particle sizes for rough grinding, fine grinding and polishing.

diamond grinding pads

2. Care and cleaning of diamond grinding pads

1. Regularly dust and clean the diamond grinding pad. In order to facilitate the removal of sand particles, it is necessary to ensure the normal cleaning of the diamond grinding pad.
2. Clean up the spills on the grinding pads in time, and do not place heavy objects or liquids such as coffee and alcohol on the water grinding pad for a long time.
3. The grit on the grinding pads should be cleaned up in time. The existence of the grit will cause the surface of the grinding pad to wear.
4. Use a good material sealant to seal the diamond water grinder. Sealing contributes to the natural appearance of the diamond water grinder. It can also effectively improve the phenomenon of dark light on the surface, and can also play an appropriate anti-fouling ability.
Regarding the use of diamond grinding pads and the care and cleaning issues, the above is the relevant introduction brought by Z-LION, I hope it will be helpful for you to understand diamond grinding pads. If you want to know more about diamond grinding pads, please contact Xiamen ZL Diamond Technology Co., Ltd., we will answer you in time.

Post time: Jul-01-2022